Announcing our web store for PC games!
We are currently in the process of porting some of our previous games to PC/Windows, and we’ve set up a small web store in the product pages. Although there are still some things to work out in our website to make it easier for visitors to check out the games, the store should be completely functional. You can use credit cards or a Paypal account.
For now, only MotorHEAT is available in the store, but we plan on getting Zombie Football Carnage and Infinity Danger very soon. You will have demos at your disposal as well.
And, to celebrate, we’re starting with a 50% discount on the MotorHEAT full version! Just use the MH_RELEASE code when asked for a coupon and you’ll get the game for half the price! This will only work until Sunday Nov 13th!
Click here to view the products available.
You can download the MotorHEAT demo on the product page:
Please bear in mind that, although we’ve tested the game thoroughly, it’s our first game available for windows, so some issues can arise during gameplay or during setup. If that’s the case, please contact us and we’ll help you! Also remember you can try the demo before you buy the final game, to ensure it works properly :).
[…] han anunciado en su página weby usarán esta plataforma para distribuir juegos que ellos mismos se están encargando de portar a […]