A new update to Avatar Farm Online has been submitted for certification. It features the following improvements:
- New features
- Added a total of 6 new crops and 4 new trees
- Added new themed items for Avatar Tennis
- Bugfixes:
- Fixed crash when two players moved a tree or animal at the same time.
- Fixed country flags being mirrored on one side
Tags: Avatar Farm Online, update
We’ve just posted White Noise Online on Greenlight! If you have a Steam account and want to play the game on your computer (or just want to help us 🙂 ), then please vote for White Noise Online on this link: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=157201544
Getting Greenlit would help us to get the White Noise franchise to the next level, adding new, more original content and new modes, such as the versus mode.

While you are at it, don’t forget to check out Little Racers STREET Greenlight as well through this link: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=92919295
In other terms, we’re currently working on an update for Avatar Farm Online and White Noise Online, both of them focusing on new content. We intend to submit both updates very soon :).
The latest update for White Noise Online has been approved and is available for download!

It features the following changes and additions:
- New features
- New indoor map: Founder’s Hall
- You can now see the overhead replays of previous games (Extras->Recent plays).
- Gameplay changes
- Increased difficulty for “Nightmare” setting
- Improvements
- Improved shadow rendering quality
Tags: release, update, White Noise Online
A new update with a new indoor map, the Founder’s Hall!

It features the following changes and additions:
- New features
- New indoor map: Founder’s Hall
- You can now see the overhead replays of previous games (Extras->Recent plays).
- Gameplay changes
- Increased difficulty for “Nightmare” setting
- Improvements
- Improved shadow rendering quality
Tags: update, White Noise Online
After a few weeks without updates, here are some screenshots of our current project!
Work on the graphical part of the game has advanced, as well as the room editor, but gameplay-wise the game is still in a very early stage.

We think the atmosphere and sensation of playing a board game is there, and the game looks great! We hope to improve gameplay by next week and see what we can get.
Meanwhile, next week we’ll start work on the long awaited White Noise Online indoor map!
Tags: dev diary, SoulStone, White Noise Online
It features the following changes and additions:
- New features
- Added a talking icon in the Lobby.
- Bugfixes
- Fixed lost souls appearing on strange positions.
- Fixed hearing voices when playing with the lost souls option enabled
- Fixed Hannah not having a female voice.
- Should have fixed some crashes during online play
- Should have fixed some crashes during solo play with lost souls option enabled
Tags: update, White Noise Online
It features the following changes:
- New features:
- New kick/ban feature:
- The host can now kick or ban players from the player list (Back button while playing).
- Ban list is shared among all your farms.
- The player list shows also people that recently left the farm, so you can ban them even if they quit right away.
- There’s a button to lift all bans.
- Gameplay changes:
- Buildings can now be moved over space they are currently using.
- Bugfixes:
- Fixed player level not getting past 100.
- Ignored timezone in time calculations. Note: Your farms might experience a time adjustment of a few hours right after the update.
Tags: Avatar Farm Online, update
Hey guys, some updates on our current projects, and new screenshots!
We’ve continued development on our next project, codename SoulStone (until we find a better name!)
The goal of this project is to emulate the fun of dungeon exploring board games, such as Heroquest, Descent, etc. to a PC game, focusing on exploration and combat over character customization or complex inventory management that other games usually feature.
All these with nifty 3D graphics, aiming to look like you were playing an actual board game with miniatures!
Think of a mix between Final Fantasy Tactics, FTL and Diablo, and you might be close to what we want to achieve :).
As for our progress so far, we’ve more or less finished the first enemy, a small Ghoul. These ghouls will be equipped with an assorment of weapons, but they will be mostly harmless and easy to kill.

We’ve also put together a room editor that will help us creating interesting layouts featuring different combat situations, traps, etc. It’s still on an early phase, but here is a sample of what we can do with it:

As for other projects:
- We’ve spent some time trying to add Split Screen support to White Noise Online, but sadly we’ve decided to discard it, the feature proved to be way more troubling than expected (specially the sound), and taking too much from the horror experience. We’ll submit an update next week with small bugfixes though. After that, we’ll start work on a new scenario.
- We’ve received a few bug reports for Avatar Farm Online, but we’ve not been able to reproduce them yet, so not sure of when we’ll be able to submit an update.
Tags: Avatar Farm Online, dev diary, SoulStone, White Noise Online
Check them out!

As you might have guessed from our April’s Fools, we’re currently working on a new project. We’re not entering into details yet, but it’s a larger project than we’re used to, and the game will be more focused on PC distribution than Xbox, although we’ll try to mantain gamepad compatibility.
We’ll be sharing more info as development continues, we’re still very early in development so they will be mostly characters and scenario pictures.
We’ll start work soon on new updates for Avatar Farm Online (minor bugfixes mostly) and White Noise Online (new scenario and some bugfixes), don’t worry!
Tags: concept
Screenshot of our most requested game!

We’ve received lots of emails from users asking to add more depth and strategy to White Noise, so we’ve decided to start work on a new game called White Noise Tactics.
In WNT, your goal is to find 8 tape recorders while killing harmless monsters with firearms you pick along the way: Handguns, shotguns, etc.
Sure, you won’t feel even a bit of horror, but think of how frightened the monsters will be!
PS: Yeah, April’s fools, obviously! But there’s a little of truth in all this, stay tuned ;).
Tags: April Fools, White Noise, White Noise Online