After a long delay, Little Racers STREET 1.2 has been approved and is available for download. It features the following changes and additions:
- New feature: Time trial. Now you can practice an event and go for a lap record anytime you like.
- 2 New Camera modes: Rotating (A bit like cenital, but it always looks in the direction you are going) and Chase (A more typical racing game camera. This is more for show and fun than it is useful though!)
- Fixed “Show Gamercard” not working on the multiplayer lobby
- Fixed some multiplayer related crashes.
- Player count HUD is properly updated when a player leaves
- Selecting players in lobby works properly after joining a game in progress.
- Now you can’t go back while finding games until the process is finished (could cause some stability issues). A message is shown in this case. We are aware this process can take some time (around 45 seconds), but we can’t do much about that.
- Added a time limit of 10 seconds for each race results screen when in multiplayer.
- Now games can be hosted/joined even for performance classes you don’t own yet: A stock car can be selected in this case.
- Added 12 new tracks (approx. 45 new events), some of them with crosses for increased fun :).
- New feature: Multiplayer games will be filled with AI cars if there aren’t enough players (Quick race has a default value of 6). With this, races will start even with just 1 player (he can race against AIs while he waits for people to join).
- Custom multiplayer games (the ones created via the “Host game” menu) now require the host to press Start before the first race (this way, he can wait for friends to join before starting).
- The HUD hides when you complete the race.
- Fixed a crash when a host migration was performed on the lobby screen after a race.
- Reworked the background tasks system (Hopefully fixing the P2P sharing freeze issue, and hopefully not creating new issues in the process :S ).
- Gameplay should be smoother during P2P score shares.
- Fixed a crash when kicking a player under some circumstances.
You’ll be prompted to download the game the next time you launch it.
Note: Multiplayer mode is not compatible between 1.1 and 1.2 : Games of different versions won’t appear when searching. You could be able to join 1.1 games via invites or guide, but it’s not going to work. Please update as soon as possible.
Tags: Little Racers STREET, release, update
The Little Racers STREET 1.1 update is now available for download. You should receive a notification the next time you start the game.
It features the following changes:
- New feature: Online multiplayer (over Xbox LIVE and System Link)
- Play over internet with your career mode cars.
- Earn money on these races.
- Includes quick join, party invites, host migration, etc. All to ensure the game keeps going on, no matter what happens!
- New section: Lap Records (shared online)
- Your car is highlighted in crowded situations (this can be disabled in settings).
- Reduced difficulty for Medium level.
- Increased number of AI players in Career mode to 300 (only applies if you delete the career mode).
- Reduced car braking power.
- Changed the way reverse works now (you don’t have to release and press the brake to use reverse).
- Improved race selection screen: Added an event title and times you raced / won the event. Also it should be properly shown on SD TVs.
- Fixed minor issue that caused to incorrectly show your place in the mountain part.
See you in the online races!
Tags: Little Racers STREET, release, update
The latest update for Firing Range, 1.2, is available now on the Xbox marketplace. It features the following changes and additions:
- An info message is shown if you aren’t hitting bullseyes on the first round.
- The combo multiplier doesn’t drop to 0 when you miss a bullseye, it just is reduced a bit.
- Increased a bit overall brightness.
- Added indicators when a target is outside your field of view.
- New shop category: Special Effects, with some special visualization modes such as night vision and old school.
You should be prompted to update the next time you start the game.
Have fun!
Tags: Firing Range, release, update
Our latest game, Little Racers STREET, is now available for download on the Xbox Indies Marketplace. You can download it directly to your xbox via this link.
You can get it as well by searching for “indie street”, “milkstone”, “little racers street”, etc. on the Bing bar in the Xbox dashboard.
Here is the debut trailer:
Little Racers STREET Debut Trailer
If you like the game, don’t forget to rate it on the Xbox Marketplace and help us spread the word!
Tags: Little Racers STREET, release
Firing Range, the FPS aiming game, is now available for download on the Xbox Indies Marketplace. You can download it directly to your xbox via this link.
Here is the debut trailer:
Firing Range Debut Trailer
If you like the game, don’t forget to rate it on the Xbox Marketplace and help us spread the word!
Tags: Firing Range, release
We are currently in the process of porting some of our previous games to PC/Windows, and we’ve set up a small web store in the product pages. Although there are still some things to work out in our website to make it easier for visitors to check out the games, the store should be completely functional. You can use credit cards or a Paypal account.
For now, only MotorHEAT is available in the store, but we plan on getting Zombie Football Carnage and Infinity Danger very soon. You will have demos at your disposal as well.
And, to celebrate, we’re starting with a 50% discount on the MotorHEAT full version! Just use the MH_RELEASE code when asked for a coupon and you’ll get the game for half the price! This will only work until Sunday Nov 13th!
Click here to view the products available.
You can download the MotorHEAT demo on the product page:
Please bear in mind that, although we’ve tested the game thoroughly, it’s our first game available for windows, so some issues can arise during gameplay or during setup. If that’s the case, please contact us and we’ll help you! Also remember you can try the demo before you buy the final game, to ensure it works properly :).
Tags: MotorHEAT, release, shop
Our latest game, Avatar Panic, is now available for download!
You can download the trial, or purchase the full version for just one dollar on the Indie games section of the Xbox Marketplace, or via this link.
If you like the game, don’t forget to rate it on the Xbox Marketplace to help us spread the word! :).
Tags: Avatar Panic, release
The third patch for Avatar Farm has been approved and is ready for download. You should be notified next time you start the game.
It features the following changes:
- Added some debugging info to P2P score sharing, to help detect and solve the freeze issue (it may be already fixed though)
- Fixed friend filtering on the high score list.
- Increased the initial coins-cash to 500 and 5.
- Increased a bit icon view distance.
- Fixed crash when opening the shop in certain circumstances.
- Added an automatic backup/restore feature to avoid data loss in case of freeze/crash.
- Increased the enhanced water truck capacity to 1,000 units. Now the fuel for this vehicle is payed with cash.
- Added a new vehicle (in two flavors): The Tree harvester.
- Fixed some plant categories. Now the plant/tree category is shown in the shop details (so you can know which items can be sold in each building).
- Increased daily reward to 500 coins and 1 cash.
- Increased level up money reward a bit.
Tags: Avatar Farm!, release, update
Finally, 1 week after we submitted the second update, it’s available for download. Remember the changes:
- (Maybe for sure this time)Fixed P2P Freeze during score sharing.
- Added the concept of tools (tractor, seeder…) that improve farming speed.
- Added 5 new plants: Tomato, Potato, Corn, Sunflower, Rice
- Added 2 new decoration elements: Scarecrow, Clothes line
- Fixed USA Flag not visible
- Fixed flags not visible from one side
- Added animations to all flags.
- Increased level cap to 20.
- Now you are asked to sign in with an account before playing
- Added freeze and crash detection system to improve further bugfixing.
- Added a progress indicator to the season text.
- Improved scenery around the farm
Sadly, it seems the freeze bug hasn’t been fixed on this update as usual :(, and the freeze detector doesn’t seem to be working as expected, so we won’t be able to get more info on the issue (We experienced the freeze just one time, though).
Remember that if you experiment the freeze issue, you can disable P2P scores on the game settings and they will go away.
Tags: Avatar Farm!, release, update
Raventhorne, the first game of the Summer Uprising, has been approved and is ready for download! You can download the game, or a trial version, from here:
Tags: Raventhorne, release